Our Personalised New Baby and New Sibling gift & activity in one!

New baby sleepsuit and new sibling T-shirt painting kit

New baby sleepsuit and new sibling T-shirt painting kit

We’ve been so excited to launch our personalised new baby and new sibling gift T-shirt painting kits

…they may be just right if you’re looking for a really unique and thoughtful personalised new sibling and baby present AND and activity, that will stand out from the crowd! Lots of our lovely customers and instagram followers loved the idea of a personalised combined baby and sibling gift and thought it would be a fab way for a new big brother or sister to bond with the new addition to the family, as well as the new sibling getting a fun, creative art activity to keep them busy and with something to show the visitors! How cute to create a personalised matching sleepsuit and T-shirt for new baby and new big sibling. Ahhhhh!

Personalised New baby gifts are a lovely thoughtful thing to buy as babies don’t need much, nothing but nappies and love really!

But….they do need sleep suits haha! And I would have loved the chance to create something personal for Felix, especially when Amelie and I were stuck at home homeschooling! Wait a second…we did create him some vests when he was about a month old, it all seems a blur just remembering as I write this. Baby/lockdown brain over here for sure! What child doesn’t love having their initial or name over everything too! Personalised gifts are always a winner in this house.

Personalised new baby outfits made for Felix

Personalised new baby outfits made for Felix

Some of our customers have chosen to use the kit to create the matching outfits for the new sibling and new baby they are buying for rather than gifting the kit itself…

which is such a lovely idea too. The crafty customers amongst us have made awesome matching outfits for their new nieces and nephews and grandchildren, and some older children have designed something for their cousins or friends to wear, creating amazing personalised T-shirt and sleepsuit gifts for their loved ones. You can really use it however you want, as a kit to gift or as a kit to make your own outfits to gift!

Personalised Space Me-shirt

Personalised Space Me-shirt

It’s been a funny old year to have a new baby…

and our family hasn’t really had many times when we could have visitors for our new baby and Amelie could show off being the new big sibling, but we’re so excited to know that this is changing for people and new Mums and Dads, as well as their babies and siblings will get the support they deserve and the exciting chance to share their little bundle properly with friends and family, and get new baby and sibling gifts like this in person!


Lockdown Mama launched Business selling T-shirt painting Kits!


Amelie’s Space themed T-shirt painting tips